Winter Weather Construction Safety Tips for Civil Contracting Companies in Dubai

 Winter weather doesn't halt construction, so it's crucial to know what to do to keep your workers warm and secure. Be ready and go over these winter weather safety precautions for keeping Civil Contracting Companies in Dubai’s employees safe before the next significant winter storm begins to touch your area with snow and ice accumulation.

Examine and Clean Workplaces

Before allowing workers to start construction work on your building sites during severe winter weather, you should check for downed power lines and trees. All walking and working surfaces, such as walkways, rooftops, scaffolding, and ladders, must be free of snow and ice. When there are ice conditions, make sure to emphasize to workers the value of fall prevention.

To melt frozen places and provide employees better traction, spread salt or sand on the ground. Make sure to clearly mark any icy sections that can't be cleaned, and remind workers to move more slowly and take shorter steps while carrying tools and goods in order to prevent slips.

Observe the Weather

The last thing you want is for a blizzard to blow in and leave a lot of workers trapped at a construction site. Give your workers enough time to prepare the building site and return home without danger before a storm.

Ensure that employees are dressed appropriately for the temperature, and urge them to take frequent breaks so they can warm up.

Set up a heated rest area

In order to keep their bodies warm while working in the cold, employees use more energy. Make sure you have a heated trailer, tent, or other indoor space so that workers can get comfortable when it's freezing outside. Encourage workers to take frequent pauses to rest, warm up, consume warm beverages, and change out of damp gear to reduce exposure to the weather.

Warm up the Tools and Equipment

Ensure that heavy equipment is warmed up adequately before use by adhering to the manufacturer's instructions. It's crucial to let electrical wires and hoses warm up properly since they might become brittle in cold weather, potentially harming your equipment.

Place first aid supplies in work vehicles 

Ensure that the work trucks and other vehicles in your company's fleet are all outfitted with winter weather emergency kits. A shovel, ice scraper, brush, sleeping bag, water, non-perishable snacks like protein bars, tow straps, emergency flares, and a spare cell phone batteries should all be included in your packs. To help with traction in case you get stuck, it's also a good idea to have some cat litter, salt, or sand on hand. Your staff should be encouraged to put together emergency kits for their personal automobiles.

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